4th stage: Natural, creative and useful energy

The fourth stage is as well marked by an extraordinary stop. Unfortunately, we still cannot travel further to the South. But we can pack the backpack and jump onto the bike; just to have an idea how at normal times the regained liberty will be. At this stage we travel to places, which will give you new energy and ideas in order to make your every day life more colourful and varied.

The arrival foresees that there will be places to discover, which have something mysterious and sometimes are even adventurous. At first the recommended detours are not really easy to be found. Many will only arrive by detours to savour this pleasure. But it is worthwhile. Once arrived at destination, it will be good for the sole, gives you hope
and we win back our natural confidence, which goes too often lost in nowadays hectic times. Full of pride, one feels that we will go on - it will come out well.

Back into town, the bird of passage of Pack Easy tells you about urban gardening and farming. It has as well indications from all over the world, which you can directly apply to your district and your home.



Energy places: Plenty of energy, please

The degree of energy places are measured in so called Bovis.

The diviner establishes the intensity of an energy place. Have we to measure or even divine, when we feel us intuitively well in place? "I have nothing felt, but it was very pleasing." So and similar sounds it when people talk about an energy place. It is evident that there are places in the world, whose beauty lets open our hearts; they will place our common sense on the edge of our comprehension and will appease our eyes and calm down our pulse. It is worthwhile to discover these moments of energy as they make us realise our well-being and are enchanting us without any tricks. These tips have been discovered by the Crew of Pack Easy.

There is no need to go on a long voyage for finding energy places. The passage of the "kleine Emme" is a symbol of life. It shows how a peaceful river can overcome obstacles and at the same time will start to swirl. But enriched with oxygen and new information it will continue calmly its way. Sometimes it is a challenge to accept the silence and to slow down speed so that positive things can emerge.


Thermal springs: Plunge into energy

Picture: © Stadt Baden / Tibor Nad

By the tradition of therapeutic baths, Baden is honouring its name. Since 2000 years they use the natural heat and force of thermal springs. The thermal water of Baden is with about 47 degrees not only the hottest, but with 4.6 grams per litre as well the richest healing water in Switzerland. Apart from calcium, iron and iodine, the liquid gold contains as well sulphur. At the drinking fountain near the town hall you can try the thermal water charge free. That means: "Nose closed and off you go."

Chänzeli-Tour: A magnificent view of the bath city. 1300 steps will lead you to the point where you have a beautiful overview of Baden.



Hergiswald: The pilgrimage church and a place full of precious things

The pilgrimage church is always open. It is inviting for a silent prayer, for setting a fire on a candle light or only for a silent moment. More than three hundred pictures with Latin quotations decorate the ceiling - an impressive moment. The artist Kaspar Melinger of Lucerne painted them in 1654. In order to understand the signification of the paintings, it would need several visits during about three weeks' time. If you want to let you enchant by the beauty of the church, then enjoy a moment of silence. And another valuable tip: Take a mirror with you, that you will not have a stiff neck after the visit.

Energy from trees

By breathing we are part of the nature. This does not change even if you live in town, far away of a natural country side. Old trees are surrounded by a magic atmosphere. Their aura expands far over the treetop. The grove of oak trees, Witwald, near the castle "Wildenstein" is one of the few man-made landscape of the Middle Age. Imagine: the oldest oak tree at Wildenstein started to grow, when Columbus was not even on his way to America. This is a good reason to admire these trees.


An exciting book recommendation for the mysterious life of old trees is: «Das geheime Leben der Bäume» von Peter Wohlleben.


Energy in the filled picnic basket

Sandwiches are not an easy snack. In order to be really tasty, they are only prepared with the best ingredients and prepared with loving care. The stuffing - a sort of a "Salade niçoise" - leads us to the South. You need the following ingredients:

- one tin of tuna fish without oil, cut into small pieces

- anchovies, cut into small pieces

- chopped olives and onions

- marinated artichoke hearts cut into pieces

- some chopped herbs

- one pepper fruit cut into strips

- a mixed sauce of: 2 tea spoons of French mustard, 1 tea spoon of honey, the juice of half a lemon, 2 table spoons of olive oil and some salt - and then mix it.

Now you cut in half a "baquette", then cover it with salad leaves and spread the delicious mixture over it. A bread board and knife, two glasses or cups, something refreshing to drink and a soft blanket: then everything is ready for your pleasant picnic.


Guerilla Gardening: Growing energy

At the beginning there was protest and civil disobedience against too many dreary places in town. The trend for the warlike name of Guerilla Gardening started at the beginning of the 1970ties in Great Britain, Germany or New York. Today the Guerilla gardeners are neither activists nor rebels. They are people like you and I, who green many places and this in order to make their district more attractive. In Switzerland, Zurich was and still is the pioneer of this trend. Imagine, already 30 years ago, friends of flowers and insects went into town and threw seeds - Seed bombs - on dreary places , near trees and on traffic islands. At that time these actions had to be carried out during night, secretly. The desire for green areas, the growing environmental awareness and as well the comprehension in the society, made this trend to an acceptable form to use the public areas sustainable and biodiversable. In order to improve the appearance of the town, Zurich distributes free of charge seeds of wild flowers. You will find the instructions to make Seed Bombs under:

Another inspiring source full of useful tips and calls you to be active on your own is the following book: 'On Guerrilla Gardening: A Handbook for Gardening Without Boundaries by Richard Reynolds'.

Urban Farming: Gardening for all

Urban Farming shows most different applications. You will find it on roofs, fallow areas, on house walls, in tower blocks and on terminals. Both, the town and its inhabitants profit from this. Use arable areas together with others, meet with other people and learn again to appreciate food. The advantages for the environment are enormous: These many plants can help to preserve the biodiversity. And besides, all these green areas will help to absorb the carbon dioxide in the town and brings during summer some refreshment. Urban farming does not mean only sunny days. It asks for a lot of work and responsibility. It needs structure, confidence and teamwork.

Did you know, that there exist already "eatable" towns, Urban Farming ordered by the state as well as green airports? Here you will find some surprising examples:

In the "eatable" town of Andernach in Germany live chicken and sheep and in the flowerbeds grows leek and cabbage. Instead of "Do not walk on..." you are invited to collect vegetables and/or flowers. The model is Havanna: In Cuba's capital, the inhabitants are mostly self-sufficient. Of course, the state is taking care of the organisation. Our favourite example, how the Urban Farming is functioning at Hotspots, is the airport O'Hare in Chicago. In the restaurant they serve herbs and vegetables from the indoor garden in the terminal. 

Sustainable Silica Gel: Energetically useful?

You know them certainly, the small white sachets with Silica-Gel, which are enclosed to a lot of products and packets and protect from humidity. That is why you find them with electronic equipment, some food, with shoes and other leather articles. How and why you can use these white sachets, we explain you here.

They are made of nothing else than siliceous gel. On the sachets it is marked "do not eat", but the whites are not toxic. However, the blue ones, which are coloured with cobalt chloride require some caution. Imagine, these small sachets can absorb more than 40 percent of their own weight of humidity and are effective against bad smells.

Did your mobile phone get become wet? Does your sport-, shopping bag smells badly? Have you been surprised by a cloudburst and you got wet shoes? Did your favourite tool become rusty? Or do you want to protect photographs and documents from humidity? Then just add some sachets of silica-gel.

When the Silica sachets are full of humidity, you do not have to throw them away. They can be used again. Dry the silica-gel in the warm oven (without the sachets) and then fill it up in cotton sachets, which can as well be dried in the oven. A quarter of an hour at 100 degrees is sufficient and the sachets are again ready for use. During the drying, you should once or twice shake them.

If you do not have enough of these small miraculous sachets? Then contact us on www.packeasy.ch